Would you like a friendly call from one of our lovely volunteers?
Our Connect Me service is a project run by our volunteers who are here for you in whatever way you need. Maybe you would love someone to talk to, to share stories and worries with? Maybe want someone to have your back? Maybe you need some help to get you out into the community and start to make the most of your life?
Our trained volunteers are here to help.
Fill out the form below to be connected to one of our Connect Me volunteers for a friendly phone call at a time that suits you.You can then arrange with your volunteer how often you would like to receive calls for companionship and support. Many people have a call once per week.
Socially distanced doesn't have to mean socially isolated.
If you would like to receive the support from our Connect Me service, just fill in the form below and we’ll be in touch.
(Please note - ours calls are made from private / withheld numbers)
If you're unsure or hesitant, we understand. Our team is on hand to answer any questions - big or small - you may have about Connect Me and how it could help you.
To find out how we handle your data please view our privacy policy for more information.
Connect Me is funded by